Powerblox Quality Control

seuraavan mukaan: Powerblox

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Elevate quality control across your operations with Powerblox Quality Control for Business Central

Enhance your testing process with precision and flexibility with Powerblox Quality Control. Easily configure parameters, actions, and limits to create tailored tests for a range of procedures, spanning from initial goods reception to post-production phases. Adapt templates to your specific requirements, including defining mandatory tests and result conditions. Seamlessly associate templates with specific movements and items, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
Maintain meticulous compliance records by documenting test results accurately. Employ customizable blocking settings for document approval, enabling rigorous quality control. When needed, swiftly quarantine goods, preventing any non-compliant items from entering circulation.
Facilitate a streamlined workflow by linking quality control documents to relevant sales or purchase records, facilitating traceability and data management.

Key Features:

    • Define tests by item, category, customer, or vendor
    • Set conditional tests based on previous results
    • Generate unique test documents
    • Seamlessly integrate with receipt, shipments, and output processes
    • Perform tests on serial or lot numbers
    • Isolate non-conformities or relocate to quarantine bin
    • Maintain a comprehensive historical log for robust reporting

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Supported Editions:

This app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central

Supported Countries:

Is available for all countries.

Supported Languages:

This app is available in English, Dutch and French.

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